
The project “REVERT: REsilience without ViolencE, Resistance without haTe in Public transport” aims to create the conditions of a harmonious and friendly social ecosystem in public transport, promoting tolerance through resilience and resistance to hate and violence, by developing and pilot testing an innovative model of preventing and combating racism in public transport.

Based on the above, the main goal of the proposed project is to increase levels of resilience of the drivers of public transport through a set of tools that will guide them in dealing with a conflict. Having available ways of intervening and resolving disputes, negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety, stress, and ambivalence triggered in the face of a conflict, are expected to be reduced. Perceived self-efficacy and trust in themselves will increase rendering them more resilient and creating the same feelings to the rest of the passengers.

The project will also engage with passengers informing them on how to react in case of witnessing racist incidents against migrants/ refugees, as well as with migrants/ refugees informing them about their rights and reporting steps to be followed.

Lastly, the project aims to promote networking between the transport authority and all relevant stakeholders in the field of xenophobia and discrimination against migrants/refugees, creating also an Observatory of xenophobic and racist incidents within the transport organization.

Overall, by promoting tolerance through resilience and resistance to hate and violence, the proposed intervention is expected to create a positive and safe environment within public transportation for all actors involved (i.e. drivers, migrants /refugees / passengers).

description of actions

To support the work of the drivers and ensure sustainability, continuity and multiplying effect of the model to be implemented, both executive members of the Athens, Urban Public Transport and passengers using the transports daily will be involved in the project.

Aiming at continuation and sustainability, executives will be trained in integrative conflict resolution and racist attacks reporting. Transferring expertise of this innovative model will provide the organization with the opportunity to repeat and reemploy the model. The professional, then, acquires an important role of the mediator, who, as an official

representative of a public institution, can become point of reference and a model for the rest of the people.

Finally, involving passengers at the early stage of the project and through dissemination of messages on proper ways and tips to handle situations of conflict and racist behaviour, we aim both at raising awareness and creating agents of peaceful and integrative resolution within the hosting community. In addition, migrants and refugees will be informed on their rights and steps to be followed in the case of being victim of racist violence.


  • To improve responses to xenophobia within public transport, based on a targeted multi-stakeholder action plan and innovative resilience building and conflict resolution model
  • To provide tools and engage and support drivers of public transport to prevent and confront xenophobia
  • To enhance protection of migrants and refugees, promoting reporting of racist incidents in public transport and networking with competent authorities.


The REVERT Project proposes an innovative methodology focusing on providing conflict resolution tools to Public Transport drivers. Increasing drivers’ resiliency and cultural sensitivity, the Project promotes cultural and organization change within public transport.

In addition, the Project is based on a holistic approach, with the express purpose of engaging with all stakeholders involved in the social ecosystem of public transport (drivers, passengers, migrants / refugees and stakeholders), promoting knowledge and information sharing and also networking to effectively prevent and combat racism and xenophobia.

To support the work of the drivers and ensure sustainability, continuity and multiplying effect of the model to be implemented, both executive members of the Athens, Urban Public Transport and passengers using the transports daily will be involved in the project.

Aiming at continuation and sustainability, executives will be trained in integrative conflict resolution and racist attacks reporting. Transferring expertise of this innovative model will provide the organization with the opportunity to repeat and reemploy the model. The professional, then, acquires an important role of the mediator, who, as an official representative of a public institution, can become point of reference and a model for the rest of the people.

Finally, involving passengers at the early stage of the project and through dissemination of messages on proper ways and tips to handle situations of conflict and racist behaviour, we aim both at raising awareness and creating agents of peaceful and integrative resolution within the hosting community. In addition, migrants and refugees will be informed on their rights and steps to be followed in the case of being victim of racist violence.

Development of the methodology / action plan

This part of the project focuses on better understanding the issue at hand, namely intolerance in public transport, collecting evidence from different stakeholders and perspectives. For this purpose, primary and secondary research activities are designed, including focus groups with drivers and key stakeholders, interviews with passengers and migrants’ / refugees’ victims of a racist attack within public transport.

Capacity building of OASA’s personnel

The capacity building actions addressed to the OASA’s personnel are the backbone of the REVERT Project. The aims of the capacity building actions are: a) To create individuals who can act as pro-actors within the organization, having a multiplier effect in their peers (peer mentors) as far as promoting intolerance and resilience is concerned; b) to raise awareness of as many as possible drivers in public transport, providing them with intellectual and psychological resources in order to be able to deal with conflicts related to intolerance and xenophobia, based on an effective and appropriate manner. The capacity building actions include:

  1. Train the trainers workshop, addressed to drivers and potentially administrative staff of OASA. The trainers throughout the training and on-going support provided, will be able to act as “Agents of change” within the organization, promoting the psychological health of their peers and effective processes of conflict resolution.
  2. Info sessions: promoting knowledge about the project and its resources
  3. Engagement Experiential events: providing knowledge and skills, with a focus on conflict management skills through though quick and participatory activities (i.e. theatre, role playing, short debates), customized to the interests of bus / trolleybus drivers.
  4. Mixed activities with migrants: Through discussions and teambuilding, the drivers will develop bonds with migrants / refugees, promoting understanding, while identifying commonalities (i.e. anxieties related to vulnerabilities, feeling of insecurity).

Pilot implementation and assessment

This phase of the project, will be conducted following the capacity building activities, taking into consideration that the trainers and the engaged drivers through various activities are going to use the developed tools and approaches in their professional practice. The aim of this phase will be to enhance capacity building actions by providing feedback and support on the use of developed tools and approaches, locating potential difficulties and critical issues that need to be addressed.

Assessment of the impact of the intervention on the drivers’ perceptions and practices employed during xenophobic and racist incidents as well as reporting of such incidents will take place after concluding the pilot implementation.

Dissemination of the project: Promoting the message of “Feeling Safe in Public Transport”, creating a welcoming environment for all

This activity focuses on reaching passengers informing them on how to react in the case of xenophobic or racist incident. More specifically, it includes the development of communication material about the Project, the production of Infographics presenting conflict resolution tools in different languages in order to be accessible by members of different ethnic groups, as well as, the dissemination of positive messages focusing on resilience as a response to intolerance through the Integrated Telematics System of the urban transport.